Monday, July 25, 2005

One more before…..Delhi.

Heading out seems like a simple thing to do until you remember all the stuff that you have to wrap up before going. So there was no a lot sleeping last night just trying to get things done. I received information to update the Bodhi Center’s website but it was done in MS works. And there was no quick fix with the tools I had on had. So I had to do just some minor changes instead of the major update to the website, which I was planning on doing. Then there is many things that need doing for the DRELOMA publication. Mostly busy work but I have run out of time. I had thought of lugging the laptop on the train but that didn’t pan out. Plus I wanted to travel light. In the end the light packing seems heavy to me. It is not the 75 kg I came with but it is more then I care to haul around for extended periods of time.

So it seems I lucked out with my traveling companion Geshe Dakpa Jampa. We can communicate he has lots of experience with the run from Hubli to Delhi. Since this is only my second time on this run, almost everyone has more experience then me. The first time was so exhausting for me that I have not been to Delhi since February 2004. Therefore I am hopping that since I have been in India longer that I can roll with the punches better.

Heading off with out a computer to download to will be interesting. I have taken almost a Gigabyte in memory sticks. I will have to revert back to a limited film style of picture taking. I was enjoying playing the odds. If you take 1000 photos then one of them is bound to be pretty good. Now I will have to use some skill instead of dumb luck.

So at this point I have tickets that will get me to Katmandu, Nepal. Now if I can only get some for a return journey. There nothing like the feeling of having a one-way ticket to a semi-stable country.

It is time to get a bite to eat and then head to the train station.

Well it has been raining here non-stop for 2 days, so the reason that the train is 3 hours late could be due to flooding of the tracks between Hubli and Goa, where the train originates from. I knew you needed to know this.

This could be a glass half full kind of time. B+

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