Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Going Responsible in 2006

There is no escaping human nature. The only thing I can do is face it. This is everywhere...in all humans. No exceptions. Some may deal with it better then others but it is always there.

I have come to find this in my daily life. I can only set myself up for disappointment thinking that there is a place a sanctuary form it.

So what is the up side in this? That I am responsible for myself. I can better deal with my humam nature. Without this life is hopeless. With the responsibility comes my chance to change and improve myself. That can be a great source of inspiration.

1 comment:

Jen said...

George, darling! I wish you every happiness in the world this new year. I respect and admire your tenacity in self improvement, but do not look too far ahead and take too much on your shoulders. A person, however strong he is, can only handle so much when he alone is trying to self improve the world. I hope that in your quest for self improvement, you do not get lost in the unimprovement of others. Much love to you.